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. 2015 Dec 16;20(12):22534–22545. doi: 10.3390/molecules201219822

Table 1.

Selected vibrational data (cm−1) and assignments for isoniazid (INH) and the Cu(II) compounds (13).

Compound Assignment
INH 1 2 3
- 3437 m 3434 m 3449 w νOH
3306 m, 3213 sh 3222 s 3241 s 3236 w νasNH2
3112 s 3098 s 3101 sh 3108 w νsiNH2
3035 m, 3014 m 3048 s, 3019 m 3057 sh 3061 sh, 3017 w νCH
- - - 2212 s νasNCO
- - 2130 s - νasNCS
1667 s 1653 m 1606 w 1615 m νC=O
1635 m 1648 s 1648 m 1655 sh Scissoring NH2
1603 m 1590 s 1603 s 1589 sh νring + δCH +δHOH
1556 s 1547 s 1554 m 1537 m νring
1492 w 1494 w 1498 w 1499 w δCH + νring + δNH
1412 m 1415 m 1415 m 1416 m δCH + νring
- - - 1317 w νsNCO
1335 s 1332 m - - Rocking NH2
- 1284 w 1268 w 1283 w νring
1221 m 1225 m, 1202 s 1233 w, 1208 w 1239 w δCH + νring
1141 m 1139 m 1131 w, 1098 w 1131 w, 1103 w δCH + νring + νCN
1060 s 1065 w 1058 m 1058 w νring + δCH + δring
996 m 996 w 988 w 987 sh νring + δring
943 s - 941 w, 919 w 945 w, 924 w νNN + twisting NH2 + νNH2
888 w, 845 m 906 w, 881 w, 858 m 876 w 868 sh γCH + γC-CO-NH-NH2
747 w 761 w 755 w 775 w, 756 w γCH + τring + γCO +ν NC-S
- 712 m 715 m 719 w τring + γCO + γCH
675 s - 690 m 692 w δring + νC-CO-NH-NH2
659 s - 664 sh 658 w δring + δCH
- - - 620 w δNCO
504 w 538 w 504 w 501 sh τHNNH + γNH + δNCC + δC-CO-NH-NH2 + δOCC
436 w 463 w 466 w, 430 w 420 w γNH + τHNNH + γCH + τring + δNCS

ν = stretching; δ = in-plane bending; γ = out-of-plane bending; as = asymmetric; si =symmetric; s = strong, m = medium, w = weak, sh = shoulder.