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. 2019 Jan 8;12:510. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00510

Table 5.

Statistics of cerebellar ROI functional connectivity results (CB < HS).

Cluster Size
Coordinates Cluster Peak Z-score Brain region Brodmann areas
x y z
Anterior Left I-IV 1024 −48 −20 28 4.97 L- Postcentral Gyrus 3
−54 12 8 4.58 L- Inferior Frontal Gyrus 44
−52 10 18 4.18
493 −38 50 0 4.66 L- Middle Frontal Gyrus 46
−40 46 10 4.41
−36 42 2 4.23 L- Orbitofrontal cortex 47
335 50 −30 36 4.39 R- Postcentral Gyrus 2
38 −32 40 3.98 R- Supramarginal Gyrus 40
40 −40 46 3.95 40
240 58 24 22 4.35 R- Inferior Frontal Gyrus 45
60 2 10 4.08 R- Rolandic Operculus
50 −6 14 3.23
302 −6 36 14 4.03 L- Anterior Cingulate 24
6 36 8 3.53 R- Anterior Cingulate 25
6 36 24 3.52 32
Right I-IV 1189 −42 44 10 4.73 L- Inferior Frontal Gyrus 45
−38 42 0 4.57 L- Orbitofrontal Cortex 47
−38 50 2 4.33 L- Middle Frontal Gyrus 46
906 52 −4 20 4.61 R- Rolandic Operculum
58 20 16 4.45 R- Inferior Frontal Gyrus 44
66 −12 24 3.99 R- Postcentral Gyrus 43
1411 −54 14 8 4.38 L- Inferior Frontal Gyrus 44
−48 −8 24 4.28 L- Precentral Gyrus 4
−46 −18 28 4.26 L- Postcentral gyrus 3
182 6 −28 44 3.90 R- Posterior Cingulate 23
14 −22 46 3.62
18 −28 42 3.35
Intermediate Left VI 192 −44 26 28 4.24 L- Middle Frontal Gyrus 46
−48 26 36 4.17
−42 32 38 3.47
Right VI 447 −50 6 18 4.28 L- Precentral gyrus 6
−52 20 −8 3.70 L- Temporal Pole 38
−54 12 24 3.60 L- Inferior Frontal Gyrus 44
Posterior Left Crus I 295 −34 6 56 4.85 L- Middle Frontal Gyrus 8
−44 20 46 4.04 L- Middle Frontal Gyrus 9
1006 36 26 42 4.80 R- Middle Frontal Gyrus 9
28 22 40 4.77
28 8 42 4.40
406 26 54 0 4.71 R- Orbitofrontal Cortex 11
30 50 −10 3.56
28 28 12 4.21 R- Superior Frontal Cortex 10
246 48 36 16 3.71 R- Inferior Frontal Gyrus 45
30 34 16 3.68
36 40 16 3.67
L-Crus II 366 30 22 44 4.58 R- Middle Frontal Gyrus 8/9
46 24 40 4.18
36 18 48 3.96
R-Crus I 239 −46 28 14 4.50 L- Inferior Frontal Gyrus 45
210 −30 −14 56 3.96 L- Precentral Gyrus 6
−34 −8 42 3.89
−34 4 62 3.77
Vermis VIIIA 7964 −44 20 28 4.43 L - Inferior Frontal Gyrus 44
36 14 30 3.77 R - Inferior Frontal Gyrus 44
−16 10 60 3.60 L - Superior Frontal Gyrus 6
2783 −40 58 16 3.79 L- Frontal Pole 46
−34 −56 32 3.77 L - Angular Gyrus 19
−58 −42 −6 3.66 L- Middle Temporal Cortex (STS) 21/22
VI 228 −42 48 −4 4.36 L- Frontal Pole 47
−40 40 −16 3.89 L- Frontal Pole 47
−30 50 −10 3.68 L- Frontal Pole 11/47
202 26 8 44 4.27 R- Middle Frontal Gyrus 6/8
34 8 52 4.02 R- Middle Frontal Gyrus 9
16 2 40 3.55 R- Anterior Cingulate 24
387 −12 8 50 4.11 L- Supplementaly Motor Area 6
−16 12 64 4.01
−10 8 58 3.79
IX 635 −30 20 56 3.78 L- Middle Frontal Gyrus 8
−40 12 54 3.77 L- Middle Frontal Gyrus 9
−16 16 46 3.56 L- Anterior Cingulate 32

MNI coordinates (x, y, z) in the Montreal Neurological Institute space and peak Z score of the peak voxels showing the greatest statistical differences in a cluster are reported. Only regions that survived after correction for multiple comparisons (FWE corrected p < 0.05) were considered. NoV = number of voxels; L: left; R: right.