Fig. 2.
Noisy expression suggest that X-linked genes are less dosage sensitive than expected by Ohno’s hypothesis. (a) Ratio of the median CV between X-linked and autosomal genes. (b) Difference between the median DM of X-linked and that of autosomal genes. (c) Difference between the median DM of X-linked and that of housekeeping genes. In all panels, data from male and female cells are represented by triangles and circles, respectively. Error bars show the 90% confidence intervals of the medians, estimated by respectively bootstrapping X-linked and autosomal or housekeeping genes 1000 times. Two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test was used to test the equality of the CV ratio with 1 (a) or the DM difference with 0 (b and c) (filled symbols, P < 0.05; open symbols, P ≥ 0.05). E3 to E7 indicate embryonic days of the trophectoderm (TE), primitive endoderm (PE) and epiblast (EPI) lineages. Twenty genes with similar expression levels as the focal gene were used to compute DM