Fig. 8.
Effect of specific cytosine methylation in the 35S promoter on promoter activity. a Decrease of promoter activity of the 35S sequence by specific cytosine methylation in both strands. b Effect of strand-specific methylation of the 35S promoter on the Fluc expression. c Effect of the methylation of the cytosine residues (positions − 84, − 56 and − 33) at CHH context on the Fluc expression. Fluc activity was calibrated by Rluc activity. Values in the graph are shown as a fold change of the 35S-Fluc control (set to 1.0). Values are means with standard deviations obtained from three biological replicates. Data were analyzed using Tukey-Kramer test. Different lowercase letters at error bars indicate a significant difference between the means at the 5% level