Table 1.
Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics
Characteristics | n (%) |
Child level factors | |
Child is alive | |
No | 289 (4.91) |
Yes | 5595 (95.09) |
Type of birth | |
Single birth | 5597 (95.12) |
Multiple births | 287 (4.88) |
Sex of child | |
Male | 3066 (52.11) |
Female | 2818 (47.89) |
Size of child at birth | |
Very large | 932 (15.84) |
Larger than average | 1989 (33.81) |
Average | 1944 (33.04) |
Smaller than average | 719 (12.22) |
Very small | 283 (4.81) |
Don’t know | 16 (0.27) |
Mother/ Household level factors | |
Respondent age (mean ± SD) | 30.6 ± 6.89 |
Age in 5-year groups | |
15–19 | 207 (3.52) |
20–24 | 1009 (17.15) |
25–29 | 1494 (25.39) |
30–34 | 1409 (23.95) |
35–39 | 1061 (18.03) |
40–44 | 529 (8.99) |
45–49 | 175 (2.97) |
Highest education level | |
No education | 2042 (34.7) |
Primary | 1209 (20.55) |
Secondary | 2409 (40.94) |
Higher | 224 (3.81) |
Religion | |
Islam | 1204 (20.46) |
Christian | 4179 (71.02) |
Traditionalist/Spiritualist | 237 (4.03) |
No religion | 264 (4.49) |
Number of children < = 5 (median(IQR)) | 2 (1) |
Total children ever born(median(IQR)) | 3 (3) |
Births in last five years (median(IQR)) | 2 (1) |
Sex of household head | |
Male | 4497 (76.43) |
Female | 1387 (23.57) |
Current usage of contraceptive | |
Using some method | 1642 (27.91) |
Not using any method | 4242 (72.09) |
Source of drinking water | |
Pipe drinking water | 1600 (27.19) |
Non-piped drinking water | 4157 (70.65) |
Not dejure resident | 127 (2.16) |
Type of toilet facility | |
Flush/pit/bucket toilet in household | 3913 (66.5) |
No toilet in household | 1844 (31.34) |
Not a dejure resident | 127 (2.16) |
Caesarean section delivery | |
No | 5268 (89.53) |
Yes | 616 (10.47) |
Wealth index | |
Rich | 1611 (27.38) |
Poor | 3190 (54.21) |
Average | 1083 (18.41) |
Contraceptive use and intention | |
Using modern method | 1462 (24.85) |
Using traditional method | 180 (3.06) |
Non-user - intends to use later | 2217 (37.68) |
Does not intend to use | 2025 (34.42) |
Covered by health insurance | |
No | 1796 (30.53) |
Yes | 4087 (69.47) |
Delivered at home | |
No | 4087 (69.48) |
Yes | 1795 (30.52) |
Community level factors | |
Place of residence | |
Urban | 2344 (39.84) |
Rural | 3540 (60.16) |
Region | |
Western | 582 (9.89) |
Central | 603 (10.25) |
Greater Accra | 460 (7.82) |
Volta | 481 (8.17) |
Eastern | 545 (9.26) |
Ashanti | 599 (10.18) |
Brong Ahafo | 653 (11.1) |
Northern | 902 (15.33) |
Upper East | 551 (9.36) |
Upper West | 508 (8.63) |
IQR Interquartile range, SD Standard deviation