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. 2019 Jan 1;2019:8976937. doi: 10.1155/2019/8976937

Table 2.

Medicinal plant uses.

No Botanical Name Family Voucher No. Maa name Habitat Parts used Method of preparation Medicinal uses
1. Achyranthes aspera L. AMARANTHACEAE OLP/08/15/007 Olerubat Highland Roots Boiled Arthritis

2. Acmella calirhiza Del ASTERACEAE OLP/08/15/009 Ekum Highland Flowers Crushed and mixed with water Oral thrush in children

3. Acokanthera schimperi (A.DC.) Schweinf APOCYNACEAE MAU/08/15/027 Olmorijioi Lowland Roots Boiled Syphilis
Bark Soaked in water Arrow poison

4. Aerva javanica (Burm.f.) Shult. AMARANTHACEAE MAU/08/15/032 Eleleshwa-ekop Lowland Flowers Ground into paste & mixed with water East Coast Fever in cattle

5. Albizia gummifera (J.F. Gmel.) C.A.Sm. FABACEAE MAU/08/15/018 Osupakupe Lowland Pods Crushed Stomachache
Roots Pounded Skin disorders

6. Aneilema aequinoctiale P. Beauv COMMELINACEAE MAU/08/15/020 Enkaiteteyiai Lowland Leaves Soaked in water Malnutrition, colds
Flowers Pressed to produce juice Ocular disorders

7. Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm APIACEAE MAU/08/15/028 Oldule Lowland Seeds Mixed with honey and chewed Chesty colds

8. Asparagus africanus Lam ASPARAGACEAE MAU/08/15/006 Empereempapa Lowland Leaves, stem & roots Soaked in water Mental illness
Leaves Soaked in water Wounds
Roots Soaked in water Venereal diseases
Chewed Cough & sore throat

9. Boscia angustifolia Harvey CAPPARIDACEAE MAU/08/15/001 Oloireroi Lowland Leaves Pounded Cattle fever
Bark Crushed & mixed with water Gynaecological disorders

10. Carissa edulis Harv APOCYNACEAE MAU/08/15/003 Olamuriaki Lowland Roots Boiled Lower abdominal pains in pregnancy, gonorrhea, chest pains, polio symptoms

11. Cissus fischeri Gilg VITACEAE MAU/08/15/011 Osurkurtuti Lowland Leaves Soaked in water Respiratory disorders in cattle

12. Clutia abyssinica Jaub. & Spach. EUPHORBIACEAE OLP/08/15/011 Enkiparnyeny Highland Roots Boiled Appetizer

13. Commiphora africana (A. Rich.) Endl BURSERACEAE MAU/08/15/034 Osilalei Lowland Roots Boiled Swollen testicles, abdominal pains
Bark Chewed Snake bite
Fruits Boiled Typhoid

14. Cordia monoica Roxb BORAGINACEAE MAU/08/15/031 Oseki Lowland Leaves, bark Leaves- boiled, bark - pounded Leprosy
Roots Boiled Mental illness
Leaves Pounded Ocular disorders

15. Croton dichogamous Pax EUPHORBIACEAE MAU/08/15/008 Ollokirdangai Lowland Roots Boiled Polio-like symptoms, gonorrhea, chest pain

16. Dichrostachys cinerea Wight et Arn FABACEAE MAU/08/15/009 Emerrumori Lowland Leaves Pounded Local anaesthesia, ulcers, gonorrhea

17. Diospyros abyssinica Hiern EBENACEAE MAU/08/15/025 Olchartuyian Lowland Bark Pounded & soaked in water Malaria, ocular d/orders in livestock

18. Dovyalis abyssinica (A. Rich.) Warb FLACOURTIACEAE OLP/08/15/006 Olmorogi Highland Roots Boiled Gonorrhea
Leaves Chewed Toothache

19. Elaeodendron buchananii (Loes) Loes. CELASTRACEAE MAU/08/15/004 Osoket Lowland Roots Dried and ground to powder Wounds, syphilis
Roots Boiled or dried and ground to powder Respiratory d/orders
Leaves Chewed Diarrhoea

20. Erythrina senegalensis DC. FABACEAE MAU/08/15/036 Ol-oboni Lowland Roots Boiled Polio-like symptoms, gonorrhea, chest pain

21. Ficus sycomorus L. BURSERACEAE MAU/08/15/024 Olngaboli Lowland Roots Boiled, chewed Abortifacient

22. Galium aparinoides Forssk RUBIACEAE MAU/08/15/026 Olngeriantus Lowland Whole plant Pounded & soaked in water or boiled Throat cancer in cattle

23. Gloriosa superba L. COLCHICACEAE MAU/08/15/022 Sakutayei Lowland Roots Chewed or soaked in water Abortifacient

24. Grewia bicolor MALVACEAE MAU/08/15/014 Ositeti Lowland Roots Soaked in water Respiratory d/orders, snake bite

25. Kalanchoe crenata (Andrews) Haw CRASSULACEAE OLP/08/15/008 Ormasilig Highland Leaves Warmed Poultice

26. Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. BIGNONIACEAE MAU/08/15/021 Oldarpoi Lowland Fruits Brewed Measles in children
Roots Boiled Abortifacient
Bark Boiled Headache
Leaves Boiled Malaria

27. Leonotis mollissima Guerke LABIATAE OLP/08/15/003 Olbibi Highland Leaves Soaked in water or boiled Antiseptic, skin rashes, blood purifier

28. Momordica friesiorum (Harms) C. Jeffrey CUCURBITACEAE OLP/08/15/001 Esumeito Highland Roots Pounded & mixed with water Induce vomiting

29. Myrsine Africana L. PRIMULACEAE OLP/08/15/004 Seketet Highland Seeds Ground Antihelminthic, heartburn

30. Mystroxylon aethiopicum (Thunb.) Loes. CELASTRACEAE MAU/08/15/035 Olodonganayioi Lowland Bark Boiled Colic pain, especially in children

31. Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata (Wall. ex G. Don) Cif. OLEACEAE MAU/08/15/023 Oloirien Lowland Bark Pounded and soaked in water Antihelminthic
Leaves Boiled Liver disease
Roots Boiled Polio-like symptoms, gonorrhea, chest pain

32. Osyris lanceolata Hochst. & Steud. ex A. DC. SANTALACEAE MAU/08/15/016 Olosesiai Lowland Bark Boiled Abdominal pains in children
Leaves Pounded Diarrhoea
Roots Boiled Gonorrhea

33. Pappea capensis Eckl. & Zeyh SAPINDACEAE MAU/08/15/029 Olkisik-ongo Lowland Bark Boiled Abdominal disorders

34. Pavetta subcana Hiern. RUBIACEAE MAU/08/15/002 Olabai Lowland Roots Boiled Gonorrhea
Whole plant Soaked in water Cough in calves, fleas

35. Physalis peruviana L. SOLANACEAE OLP/08/15/010 Ormumai Highland Roots Squeezed/chewed Tonsillitis

36. Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkman ROSACEAE MAU/08/15/012 Olkujuk Lowland Leaves Pounded & soaked in water Appetizer
Bark Pounded & mixed with water Stomachache

37. Rhamnus prinoides L'Hér. RHAMNACEAE OLP/08/15/002 Olkonyel Highland Roots Boiled Gonorrhea, arthritis
Stem Pounded and mixed with water Preservative

38. Senegalia senegal (L.) Britton & P. Wilson FABACEAE MAU/08/15/010 Oitioibor Lowland Roots Boiled Purgative, constipation & gonorrhea
Bark Boiled Diarrhoea & abdominal disorders

39. Sida cuneifolia Roxb MALVACEAE MAU/08/15/005 Olonini Lowland Roots Chewed Sore throat
Boiled Reduce foetal movements in pregnancy

40. Solanum arundo SOLANACEAE MAU/08/15/013 Esokawai Lowland Roots Chewed, pounded & soaked in water Fever

41. Solanum incanum L. SOLANACEAE MAU/08/15/015 Entulelei Lowland Roots Boiled Abdominal pains, fever
Raw roots used Toothache
Leaves Chewed and applied Snake bite
Fruits Juice Chest pain, wounds & skin disorders, Respiratory disorders in sheep

42. Solanum mauense Bitter. SOLANACEAE MAU/08/15/007 Olesayiet Lowland Berries Cooked Pneumonia
Roots Boiled Anthrax in both humans and animals

43. Teclea nobilis Del. RUTACEAE MAU/08/15/019 Olgilai Lowland Leaves, roots Boiled Pneumonia, arthritis

44. Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam RUTACEAE MAU/08/15/030 Oleparmunyio Lowland Bark Boiled or soaked in water Respiratory disorders
Roots Boiled Malaria

45. Vachellia nilotica (L.) P.J.H.Hurter & Mabb FABACEAE MAU/08/15/033 Olkiloriti Lowland Bark Pounded and mixed with water Stomachache, indigestion

46. Warburgia ugandensis Sprague. CANELACEAE OLP/08/15/005 Osokonoi Highland Bark Pound and mixed with water Malaria, abdominal disorders
Boiled, ground to powder Arthritis

47. Zizyphus mucronata Willd. RHAMNACEAE MAU/08/15/017 Oloilalei Lowland Roots Soaked in water Snake bite
Bark Boiled Arthritis, stomachache