Figure 6. Translation of Conformation Changes from ATD to the LBD and the Gate.
(A) The ATD-LBD angles for the seven structural classes show conformational differences between the two GluN2A subunits, breaking C2-symmetry. Side view of the GluN2A ECD for chains B and D of the 2-knuckle-asym conformation is shown to the right, with the LBD aligned.
(B) The distance between the lower lobe of the ATD and the upper lobe of the LBD for GluN2A. An asymmetry exists between the two GluN2A subunits with respect to the ATD-LBD distance, with this distance being consistently higher for chain D than chain B. This distance most dramatically changes for the E and E2 conformations. A side view of the two lobes for chains D of the 2-knuckle-sym and extended conformations is shown to the right, with the D1 lobes aligned. The black arrow indicates the direction of motion.
(C) Inter-GluN2A LBD angles increase during zinc-inhibition. δ and ε are the angles between the vector passing through the COMs of the D2 lobes of GluN2A and vectors passing through the COMs of the D1 and D2 lobes of chains B and D, respectively. Side view of the GluN2A LBD of the 2-knuckle-sym and 1-knuckle conformations is shown to the right, with the pseudo-symmetry axes aligned.
(D) Distance between opposing GluN2A helix E (HE) COMs. Top view of the M3 helix bundle, GluN2A HEs, and the linkers which connect the two are shown to the right.