Panel A shows the distribution of patients’ Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) overall summary score at 3 months in the analysis population. The median baseline KCCQ overall summary score was 69 (Q1, Q3; 52, 83). Panel B shows the distribution of patient’s change in KCCQ overall summary score from baseline to 3 months. As represented by the figure, 918 patients (45%) experienced a ≥5 point improvement in health status, while 23% (N=462) experienced a ≥5 point decline, and 32% (N=658) experienced a change of less than 5 points. Overall, 215 (11%) patients experienced a change between +5 to +8 KCCQ points and 703 (35%) patients experienced an improvement in KCCQ overall score above 8 points.