Figure 4.
Paired GSC orthotopic xenografts recapitulate the molecular and phenotypic characteristics of patient tumours. (A) Cell counting assay showing different growth kinetics of MGG70R-GSCs (70R-GSC) and MGG70RR-GSCs (70RR-GSC) in culture. Shown right are representative microscopic pictures of a neurosphere generated from a single GSC. (B) H&E staining of coronal sections of the brains bearing GSC-derived orthotopic tumours. Scale bar, 5 mm. (C) H&E staining and IHC for EGFR, phospho-EGFR, and Ki-67 (MIB-1) in orthotopic GSC xenografts. Top row, MGG70R-GSC tumours. Bottom row, MGG70RR-GSC tumours. (D) MIB-1 labeling indices and pEGFR immunopositivity (% area) of MGG70R-GSC and MGG70RR-GSC tumours. (E) FISH images of the GSC xenografts, with EGFR probe in green and CEN7 control probe in red. Left, MGG70R (pre-dacomitinib) GSC tumour. Right, MGG70RR (post-dacomitinib) GSC tumour.