Virus-derived 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions induce cell death. (A) Leaves of N. benthamiana were agroinfiltrated with pEAQ-HT-GFP, which contains the CPMV 5′ and 3′ UTRs, or the BeYDV GFP vector pBYR2eK2Mc-GFP, at the indicated OD600 values and imaged under visible light at 5 DPI. (B) Leaves were agroinfiltrated with a BeYDV rituximab vectors containing either the NbPsaK 5′ UTR or TMV 5′ UTR and imaged at 5 DPI. (C) BeYDV GFP vectors containing the 5′ and 3′ UTRs from tobacco mosaic virus, pea enation mosaic virus, and barley yellow dwarf virus were agroinfiltrated and imaged under visible light at 5 DPI.