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. 2019 Jan 9;9:694. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00694

Table 1.

Summary of genomic selection studies in developing countries.

References Breed Traits studied Chip size Population size Reference population Size of validation set Models Response variable Accuracy of prediction Regression coefficients (response variable on predictions)
Boddhireddy et al. (2014) Nellore cattle 22 traits composed of reproductive, productive, visual body conformation scores traits Illumina BovineHD BovineSNP50 (50 K) Chip 2,241 1793 448 (5-fold cross validation) BayesC EBVs 0.34–0.58 0.40–0.87
Boison et al. (2017) Gyr (Bos indicus) dairy cattle Milk, fat and protein yields and Age at first calving Illumina BovineHD (Bulls) BovineSNP50 (50 K) chip (cows) 464 bulls 1688 cows 264–281 bulls only or plus 1177–1597 cows 115–152 Bulls GBLUP dEBVs 0.46–0.56 (only bulls reference) 0.47–0.62 (bull+cow reference) 0.73–0.97 (Bulls only or Bulls plus cows in reference)
Brown et al. (2016) East Africa Crossbred cattle Milk yield Illumina Bovine HD 1038 cows 565–835 cows 178–448 cows GBLUP and BayesC Corrected phenotypes 0.32–0.41 (GBLUP) and 0.28–0.35 (BayesC)
Cardoso et al. (2014) Bradford and Hereford cattle Tick resistance Illumina 50 K (cows) and Illumina HD (sires) 113 sires 3545 cows 2765 691 (5-fold cross- validation) GBLUP, BayesB and ssGBLUP dEBV 0.38–0.48 vaidation set by K–means clutsering 0.40–0.60 (validation set by random clustering 0.29–1.46 (K-M) 0.25–0.83 (Random)
Costa et al. (2014) Nellore Cattle Heifer rebreeding Age at first calving, and Early pregnancy occurrence Illumina HD 2,056 females 1,853 185 (10-fold cross) GBLUP, BayesCπ and IBLASSO dEBV and Corrected Phenotypes 0.29–0.54 (GBLUP) 0.34–0.57 (BayesCπ) and 0.37–0.58 (IBLASSO) 0.84–0.88 (GBLUP) 0.89–1.14 (BayesCπ)) and 0.81–0.87 (IBLASSO)
Fernandes Júnior et al. (2016) Nellore Cattle REA, BFT and HCW Illumina HD 1756 Nellore steers 1405 351 (5-fold cross-validation) Bayesian ridge regression (BRR), BayesC (BC) and Bayesian Lasso (BL) Corrected phenotypes and EBVs 0.21–0.46 (BRR) 0.23–0.46 (BC) 0.22–0.47 (BL) 0.40–0.99 (BRR) 0.37–0.93 (BC) 0.39–1.02 (BL)
Neves et al. (2014) Nellore Cattle 15 Economically important traits Illumina HD 691 Bulls 307–494 115–187 GBLUP, BayesC, BLASSO dEBV 0.17–0.72 (GBLUP) 0.20–0.69 (BayesC) 0.19–0.74 (BLASSO) 0.75–1.24 (GBLUP) 1.01–2.35 (BayesC) 0.91–2.17 (BLASSO)
Silva et al. (2016) Nellore beef cattle RFI, FCR, ADG and DMI Illumina HD 788 Cows 424–617 91–337 ssGBLUP, GBLUP and BayesCπ Corrected phenotypes and EBVs 0.23–0.48 (GBLUP) 0.23–0.48 (BayesCπ) 0.30–0.49 (SSGBLUP) 0.78–0.90 (GBLUP) 0.05–3.10 (BayesCπ) 0.75–1.16 (ssGBLUP)
Terakado et al. (2014) Nellore Cattle Weight Gain Birth to weaning (GBW) and weaning to Yearling (BWY) Illumina HD 1,658 females and 1,002 males 2118 (GBW) 988 (GWY) 531 (GBW) 246 (GWY) GBLUP dEBV 0.21–0.48 (GBW) 0.21–0.28 (GWY) 0.38 (GBW) 0.25 (GWY)

EBVs, Estimated breeding values; dEBV, de-regressed breeding values; IBLASSO, Improved Bayesian LASSO.