Figure 8.
Detection of microhemorrhage by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in rTg-DI rats. A and B: Two-dimensional T2*-weighted MRI (echo time = 7 milliseconds; A) matched to the corresponding Perl-stained histologic slice (B). A: The dense dark areas in the thalamus shown on the T2*-weighted MRI correspond to microvessels characterized by Perl stain–positive microbleeds and occluded vessels. D: Perl-stained histologic slice was overlaid on the T2*-weighted images under conditions where the histologic slice has been rendered transparent to highlight the low signal intensity susceptibility features on the T2*-weighted MRI observed bilaterally in the thalamus, which is caused by presence of hemosiderin. C and E: Higher magnifications of the boxed areas in B and D, respectively. F and G: Three-dimensional volume-rendered MRIs of the same rat showing the brain outlined in light yellow; and the Perl stain–positive associated low signal intensity area in the thalamus has been volume rendered (green) to illustrate the near-perfect symmetry of the microhemorrhage/occluded microvessel areas. Scale bars: 100 μm (C and E); 500 μm (A, B, and D); 3.5 mm (F and G).