Mast cell deficiency decreases the levels of cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β in the brain lysates of MC-KO mice after MPTP administration. TNF-α and IL-1β were measured by ELISA in the brain lysates of MPTP administered Wt. mice, GMF-KO mice, MC-KO mice and untreated control mice. MPTP-administration significantly increased TNF-α level in the Wt. mice as compared to the control mice (A, n=4–5/group). However, there is no significant increase of TNF-α in both GMF-KO mice and MC-KO mice as compared with control mice. In these groups of mice, TNF-α levels remain significantly reduced (p<0.05) as compared to Wt. mice treated with MPTP (A). Further, MPTP administration significantly increased (p<0.05) IL-1β level in Wt. mice as compared to untreated control mice (B, n=3–4/group). Both GMF-KO mice and MC-KO mice show significantly reduced (p<0.05) IL-1β levels as compared to the Wt. mice after MPTP administration. *,# p<0.05, *Vs Wt. Control, #Vs Wt. + MPTP, ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer post hoc –––––test.