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. 2019 Jan 16;14(1):e0209675. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209675

Table 1. Social demographic and personal health characteristics in relation to SRHL score.

Characteristics of adolescent (variables(a)) Total students n = 461 SRHL score Association with SRHL
Freq (%) Mean/Med. p-value
School location Urban 284 (61.6) 21.0/22.9 <0.001(M)
Rural 177 (38.4) 16.2/15.8
Gender Boy 217 (47.1) 20.0/20.5 0.167(M)
Girl 244 (52.9) 18.5/19.8
Spoken language in family Lao 443 (96.1) 19.1/20.3 0.602(M)
Ethnic 18 (3.9) 20.0/23.6
Having part-time job Yes 42 (9.1) 21.2/22.2 0.154(M)
No 419 (90.9) 18.9/20.0
Marital status Single 436 (94.5) 19.1/20.1 0.735(M)
In-union 25 (5.5) 19.5/24.7
Living with parents Yes 420 (91.1) 19.0/20.0 0.306(M)
No 41 (8.9) 20.4/23.6
Family member works related to health Yes 69 (15.0) 21.4/23.6 0.053(M)
No 392 (85.0) 18.8/19.7
Having internet access Yes 394 (85.9) 19.8/20.8 0.001(M)
No 65 (14.1) 15.0/13.9
Affordability to access general health care Very difficult 29 (6.3) 16.0/15.8 0.130(K)
Fairly difficult 89 (19.3) 18.4/19.4
Fairly easy 289 (62.7) 19.5/21.4
Very easy 54 (11.7) 20.6/20.3
Age(b): mean = 16.9 (±1.0) min:15—max:19 - - 0.049(S)
Personal health
Self-estimate health status Very bad 10 (2.2) 21.9/21.4 0.412(K)
Bad 3 (0.7) 18.3/21.1
Fair 88 (19.1) 18.5/20.1
Good 283 (61.4) 19.8/20.8
Very good 77 (16.6) 17.5/16.9
Having Disability Yes 12 (2.6) 18.7/20.3 0.792(M)
No 449 (97.4) 19.2/20.3
Having chronic disease Yes 30 (6.5) 18.5/21.2 0.772(M)
No 431 (93.5) 19.2/20.3
Feeling when compare health to people of same age Worse than majority 22 (4.8) 19.3/19.4 0.119(K)
Worse than a few 82 (17.8) 20.4/22.1
Average 198 (43.0) 18.0/18.9
Better than a few 128 (27.7) 19.4/21.1
Better than majority 31 (6.7) 22.7/26.7
Had health problem in last 6 months Yes 215 (46.6) 19.9/20.8 0.165(M)
No 246 (53.4) 18.5/19.9
Smoking status Never Smoker 413 (89.6) 19.2/20.3 0.916(K)
Ever smoker 27 (5.9) 18.9/19.7
Current Smoker 21 (4.5) 18.5/17.5
Alcohol drinking in the past 12 months Never drink 111 (24.1) 17.4/18.1 0.357(K)
< once a month 234 (50.7) 19.9/21.4
Once a month 77 (16.7) 19.0/18.9
Once a week 36 (7.8) 19.7/20.8
> once a week 3 (0.7) 20.9/19.2
Physical exercise > 30 minutes in last month Not at all 53 (11.5) 16.9/16.1 0.155(K)
1–2 times/month 81 (17.6) 19.1/18.6
1–2 times/week 158 (34.3) 18.7/20.0
Almost every day 169 (36.7) 20.4/22.2

(a) Any variables not shown in Table 3 were not statistically associated with level of SRHL of adolescent in the univariate analysis (p>0.05)

(b) Mean age of school adolescent in urban area was 16.8 (±1.1); min: 15 –max:19 and in rural area was 17.2 (±0.9); min: 15 –max:19. Based on spearman’s correlation, age was found to be negatively correlated with SRHL score (correlation coefficient = -0.092; p:0.049).

(M) Mann-Whitney U Test

(K) Kruskal-Wallis Test

(S) Spearman’s correlation.