Tat-Smad7 did not reduce radiation-induced DNA damage but increased oxidative stress and apoptosis in irradiated tongue cancers. (A-C) Representative staining of pH2AX, 8-OHdG and TUNEL in RT+ vehicle and RT+ Tat-Smad7 treated tongue cancer. K14 antibody was used to counterstain epithelial cells or propidium iodide (PI) to counterstain nuclei. Scale bars = 100 μm for all sections. (D-I) Quantification (mean ± SEM) of pH2AX+, 8-OHdG+, and TUNEL+ tumor epithelial cells in cancer per mm2 tumor epithelial area (FaDu: D, F, H; UM-SCC 1: E, G, I). P values were determined by Student’s t test.