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. 2018 Jul 16;110(1):31–35. doi: 10.17269/s41997-018-0106-x

Table 1.

Proposed indicators and targets

Indicator Target
 • Incidence (National) Rate of decline commensurate with 2035 pre-elimination goals
 • Incidence (on- and off-reserve First Nations)
 • Incidence (Inuit Nunangat)
 • Incidence (Atlantic Canada)
 • Incidence (Quebec)
 • Incidence (Ontario)
 • Incidence (Manitoba/Saskatchewan)
 • Incidence (Alberta/Northwest Territories)
 • Incidence (British Columbia/Yukon)
Laboratory reporting
 • Turn-around time (NAAT) 6 days (4 days specimen collection and delivery; 2 days detection)
 • Turn-around time (Culture) 25 days (4 days specimen collection and delivery; 21 days to grow)—78%
 • Proportion HIV tested 95%
 • Proportion of culture-positive cases with DST 100%
 • Proportion of culture-positive cases with genotyping 100%
 for smear-positive pulmonary cases †
  • Sputum culture and CXR, end of initial phase 100%
  • Sputum culture and CXR, end of continuation phase 100%
Case management and treatment
 • Proportion of pediatric cases (< 5 years) < 5%
 • CB cases/w no past hx TB started on a minimum of 3 drugs 100%
 • FB cases/w no past hx TB started on a minimum of 4 drugs 100%
 • Proportion with TB-related death of preceding years’ cases < 5%
 for smear-positive pulmonary cases
  • Starting treatment within 72 h of NAAT 90%
  • Complete treatment within 12 months 95%
Contact investigations
 • Close contacts of smear-positive pulmonary cases:
  Proportion completely assessed < 5 years of age 100%
  Proportion completely assessed ≥ 5 years of age 80%
 • Close contacts with new positive TST/TST conversion:
  Proportion recommended TX LTBI < 5 years of age 100%
  Proportion recommended TX LTBI ≥ 5 years of age 100%
 • Close contacts recommended TX LTBI:
  Proportion who start treatment < 5 years of age 100%
  Proportion who start treatment ≥ 5 years of age 80%
 • Close contacts accepting TX LTBI:
  Proportion who complete treatment < 5 years of age 100%
  Proportion who complete treatment ≥ 5 years of age 80%
IRCC referrals
 • Proportion who initiate examination within 30 days of notification 100%
 • Proportion completing examination within 90 days of notification 100%
 • Proportion of IRCC referrals recommended TX LTBI who accept 90%
 • Proportion of IRCC referrals accepting TX LTBI who complete 90%
CTBRS reporting
 • Active TB case report form (last full year) complete 100%
 • Treatment outcome form (next to last full year) complete 100%

NAAT nucleic acid amplification test, DST drug susceptibility testing, CXR chest x-ray, CB Canadian-born, FB foreign-born, TX treatment, LTBI latent tuberculosis infection, IRCC Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada, CTBRS Canadian Tuberculosis Reporting System

*The proposed groupings take into account persons at risk, populations, existing organizational structures, and relationships

†The initial phase of treatment refers to an intensive three-four drug treatment regimen that lasts 2 months; the continuation phase lasts 4–7 months in fully susceptible cases and is usually a two-drug regimen