Effect of EE and VEGF signaling inhibitor in DG neurogenesis in rats exposed to high altitude. (A) Confocal representative images of proliferation (Ki67, red) and mitotic neurons (doublecortin, DCX, green) in rats exposed to low altitude (upper panel) or high altitude (lower panel) kept under SC or in enriched environment either receiving sucrose (EE + veh) or the inhibitor of VEGF signaling (EE + inh). (B,C) Quantification of Ki67+ cells in the granular cell layer (GCL) of rats exposed to low or high altitude under standard conditions (SC, white bar) or in enriched environment (EE, patterned bar) (B) as well as in enriched environment receiving either sucrose (EE + veh, black patterned bar) or the inhibitor of VEGF signaling (EE + inh, red patterned bar) (C). (D,E) Quantification of doublecortin (DCX) positive cells of rats exposed to low or high altitude under standard conditions (SC, white bar) or in enriched environment (EE, patterned bar) (D) as well as in enriched environment receiving either sucrose (EE + veh, black patterned bar) or the inhibitor of VEGF signaling (EE + inh, red patterned bar) (E). Scale bar (A): 100 mm. Statistics (B–E): 2-way ANOVA (∗∗∗∗P < 0.0001, ∗∗∗P < 0.001, ∗∗P < 0.01, ∗P < 0.05) with n = 12; error bars indicate SD.