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. 2019 Jan 10;9:1937. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01937



(A) A representative trace of spontaneous pressure fluctuations: (i) control and (ii) 18β-GA (30 μM), in an isolated whole rat bladder, and the effect on longitudinal (distances 1 and 2) and transverse (distance 3 and 4) components. (B) Enlargement of representative trace: (i) control and (ii) 18β-GA (30 μM), with grey dashed lines indicating the peak of pressure change, and relationship to distance change. (C) Schematic diagram depicting measured longitudinal and transverse distances. (D) A representative trace of spontaneous pressure fluctuations, and distances on the bladder wall with dominant longitudinal (distances 1 and 2) and transverse (distances 3 and 4). The offset of the distance shortening peak from the pressure fluctuation peak measured in seconds for (E) longitudinal and (F) transverse distances.