Figure 1.
Nocodazole Is the Most Efficient Small-Molecule Inhibitor to Synchronize the Cell Cycle in hPSCs
(A) Schematic showing the cell cycle phase inhibited by small molecules.
(B) Schematic overview of the experimental setup to determine the efficiency of each small molecule for synchronizing the cell cycle of hESCs.
(C) Brightfield images of colony morphology of H9 hESCs after 16 hr of treatment with the different small molecule cell cycle inhibitors. Scale bars, 400 μm.
(D–G) Cell cycle profile of H9 hESCs following treatment and removal of cell cycle inhibitors thymidine (D), aphidicolin (E), hydroxyurea (F), and nocodazole (G) through a time course of 24 hr.
See also Figure S1.