Proliferating NSCs Are Preferentially Associated with SDF1-Positive Vasculature
(A) Representative images showing proliferating cells (cyan) in relation to SDF1-positive (red) or SDF1-negative (green) vasculature. Scale bar, 100 μm (applies also to B).
(B) Same as in (A) except that label-retaining cells are labeled by cyan.
(C) Histogram with box-and-whisker plot inset showing the distribution of proliferative cells to DsRed+ and DsRed– vasculature. n = 5,793 cells for DsRed+ and n = 2,854 cells for DsRed−, measured in 4 mice per group. ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001 by Mann-Whitney test.
(D) Histogram with box-and-whisker plot inset showing the distribution of label-retaining cells to DsRed + and DsRed–. n = 953 cells for DsRed+ and n = 653 cells for DsRed−, measured in 6 mice per group. ∗p = 0.0105 by Mann-Whitney-test.