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. 2019 Jan 15;10(1):e02637-18. doi: 10.1128/mBio.02637-18


Mutations found in E. coli MG1655 (lac plus) after 1,000 generations of growth under LSMMG conditions with background exposure to chloramphenicola

Position Type of change Mutation type(s) Annotation Gene(s) Usual product
151656 T→G Base change A192A (GCA→GCC) yadL Predicted fimbrial-like adhesin protein
483212 A→G Base change V139A (GTT→GCT) acrB Multidrug efflux system protein
883682 C→T Base change P263S (CCT→TCT) mdfA Multidrug efflux system protein
4187022 C→G Base change P1217R (CCG→CGG) rpoC RNA polymerase, beta prime subunit
4463866 A→T Base change V113E (GTG→GAG) treB Fused trehalose(maltose)-specific PTS enzyme:
IIB component/IIC component
4540294 G→A Base change E79K (GAG→AAG) fimE Tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator
of fimA
1617535 A→T Base change E131V (GAA→GTA) marR DNA-binding transcriptional repressor of multiple
antibiotic resistance
1816409 A→C Base change V39G (GTG→GGG) chbF Phosphochitobiase; general 6-phospho-beta-glucosidase
250390 A→G Base change Pseudogene
(319/756 nt)
lafU Pseudogene, lateral flagellar motor protein fragment
547694 A→G Base change Pseudogene
(114/252 nt)
ylbE Predicted protein, C-ter fragment (pseudogene)
547835 +G Base insertion/
(4/1,008 nt)
ylbE Predicted protein, C-ter fragment (pseudogene)
484938 A→G Base change Intergenic (95/47) acrA ← / → acrR Multidrug efflux system/DNA-binding transcriptional
882870 G→A Base change Intergenic (259/26) ybjG ← / → mdfA Undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase/multidrug
efflux system protein
3826853 T→C Base change Intergenic (165/115) gltS ← / → xanP Glutamate transporter/xanthine permease
4541135 A→C Base change Intergenic (+479/3) fimE → / → fimA Tyrosine recombinase/inversion of on/off regulator of
fimA/major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin)
986125 Δ203 bp Base deletion(s) Coding ompF ← Outer membrane porin
3558478 Δ1 bp Base deletion Coding (151/759 nt) glpR DNA-binding transcriptional repressor
257900 IS1 (–) + 8 bp TMR Coding (7279/402 nt) crl Sigma factor-binding protein (stimulates RNA
polymerase holoenzyme formation)
882777 IS30 (+) + 2 bp TMR Intergenic (166/118) ybjG ← / → mdfA Undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase/multidrug
efflux system protein
1298718 IS5 (+) + 4 bp TMR Intergenic (+250/485) ychE → / → oppA Predicted inner membrane protein/oligopeptide
transporter subunit
1871055 IS1 (–) + 9 bp TMR Coding (991999/
1,491 nt)
yeaJ Predicted diguanylate cyclase
1962213 Δ14,314 bp TMR IS1 mediated (flhAB cheZYBR tap
tarc cheWA
motBA flhCD) ←
Chemotaxis, flagellum, motility proteins

←, gene orientation on reverse strand; →, gene orientation on positive strand; ←/→, intergenic; Δ, deletion; C-ter, C-terminal; IS, insertion sequence; PTS, phosphotransferase system; TMR, transposon-mediated rearrangement.