Figure 1.
Propafenone interactions with hERG channels. (Ai) Drug-free and (Aii) drug-bound (additional states shown in green) Markov chain models of IKr/hERG. Simulated (solid line) and experimental (points) mean fractional block by 0.5 μM propafenone (PROPAF) of IhERG during pulse protocol (shown inset) (Bi), and dose-response curve under WT (blue) and SQT1 mutant N588K (red) conditions (Bii), where IC50 values are 390 nM and 936 nM (2.4-fold increase), respectively. (Ci) Simulated and (Cii) experimental current traces in response to a 10,000 ms depolarising voltage step to 0 mV from a holding potential of −80 mV (Di,Dii) under control conditions and with application of 0.5 μM PROPAF – these data were used to validate and not to further train the model. Experimental data at 37°C are taken from Paul et al. (2002) and McPate et al. (2008).