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. 2019 Jan 14;17:1. doi: 10.5334/jcr.174

Table 5.

Circadian rhythms in noradrenaline levels.

Noradrenaline-Circadian Rhythms

Reference_ID Animals L/D Cycle Duration Brain Region Noradrenaline Levels

Barbier et al (2007) [55] Rats 6h–18h 20h Prefrontal Cortex Higher during DP, stable during LP
Dugovic et al (2009) [54] Rats 6h–18h 6h Prefrontal Cortex Higher during DP, stable during LP
Robinson et al (1991) [57] Sheep natural 20h Preoptic Area Decrease gradually
Alfinito et al (2009) [58] Rats 12:12 12h30 Preoptic Area Higher during DP, stable during LP
Mitome et al (1994) a [37] Rats 6h–18h 52h Paraventricular Nucleus Higher during DP, lower during LP
Stanley et al (1989) b [98] Rats 9h–21h 48h Paraventricular Nucleus Peak 1h after DP onset, followed by sudden decrease, until a second smaller peak at 3h before LP. Lower levels during LP
Mitome et al (1994) b [99] Rats 6h–18h 54h Paraventricular Nucleus Higher during DP, lower during LP
Morien et al (1995) A [100]* Rats 7h–19h 24h Paraventricular Nucleus Peak 1h and 8h after DP onset. Higher during DP, lower during LP
Smriga et al (2000) b [101] Rats 7h–19h 24h Lateral Hypothalamus Gradual increase from baseline during LP Peak at DP onset followed by sudden decrease and return to baseline
Smriga et al (2000) a [102] Rats 7h–19h 26h Ventral Hypothalamus Higher during DP, lower during LP
Kalen et al (1989) [82] Rats 12:12 24h Caudal Hippocampus Higher during DP, lower during LP
Drijfhout et al (1996) [103] Rats 6h–18h 16h Pineal gland Peak 1–3h after DP onset, decrease 2h before LP Higher during DP, lower during LP
Morien et al (1995) B [100]* Rats 7h–19h 24h Septal Nuclei and the Ventromedial Thalamus Stable

Each row represents one study (i.e. an experimental group within a publication) and a qualitative description of the results. Fluctuations are described as “higher” and “lower” disregarding actual magnitudes of changes. Rows are sorted by brain region. Lower case letters indicate separate publications from the same authors in the same year; upper cases letters represent separate groups within publications; numbers represent separate brain regions within animals. *These studies provided average monoamine concentrations pooled for several brain regions.

Abbreviations: L/D Cycle: Light-Dark Cycle; LP: Light Phase; DP: Dark phase.