Figure 7.
RRCT protein retains the ability to bind ROM-1. (A) IP was performed on P30 retinal extracts for Prph2 (RDS-CT), and blots were probed for Prph2 (mAB 2B7) and Rom1 (ROM1-CT). (B) IP was performed for RRCT (RDS-CT), and blots were probed for RRCT (mAB 2B7) and Rom1 (ROM1-CT). (C) IP was performed for Prph2/RRCT (RDS-CT) and blots were probed for Prph2/RRCT (RDS-CT) or RRCT (mAB 2H5). (A–C) IPs were repeated three times each (with retinas from different animals). (D) Retinal extracts were separated on 10% non-reducing SDS-PAGE. Blots were probed for ROM-1/RRCT (mAB 2H5), Rom1 (ROM1-CT) or Prph2/RRCT (RDS-CT). Arrow indicates RRCT dimer. Blots were repeated 3–5 times on retinal extracts from different animals.