Fig. 2.
N-Myc overexpression alleviates ADIS in LNCaP cells in vitro and in vivo. a Representative images of senescence associated beta-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) stained LNCaP/Vec and LNCaP/N-Myc cells treated with ADT at indicated time points. Quantifications of SA-β-gal positively stained cells were presented in the right panels. b Schematic representing xenograft treatment cohorts and IHC staining at 10 days after castration or at the end of the experiments. c Immunohistochemistry staining of senescence markers (GLB1 and p27) and proliferation marker Ki67 for LNCaP/Vec and LNCaP/N-Myc xenograft tumors 10-day post castration treatment. d Immunohistochemistry staining of NE markers (CgA and NSE) and prostate adenocarcinoma markers (AR and PSA) for LNCaP/Vec and LNCaP/N-Myc xenograft tumors with or without castration treatment. Scale bar, 50-μm. ** p < 0.005