Fig. 1.
Mitochondrial polarization status of fresh and vitrified murine oocytes in presence or absence of NAC. The groups studied were: F-C: oocytes were cultured in KSOM medium for 2 h prior to IVF; V-C: oocytes were cultured in KSOM medium for 2 h prior to vitrification. After warming, oocytes were allowed to recover in KSOM medium for 2 h and subjected to IVF; V-NAC-Pre: oocytes were cultured in KSOM medium supplemented with 1 mM NAC for 2 h prior to vitrification. Warmed oocytes were allowed to recover for 2 h in KSOM medium before IVF; V-NAC-Post: oocytes were cultured in KSOM medium for two hours prior to vitrification. Warmed oocytes were allowed to recover for 2 h in KSOM medium added with 1 mM NAC before IVF. Representative micrographs of each treatment are provided below each bar and the scale represents 40 μm. Bars bearing different letters differ statistically (p < 0.05); values are expressed as the mean ± SEM