Rank adjusted (if applicable) and Bonferroni corrected mean differences (MD) between pairs of disciplinary fields on SOuRCe subscale scores with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Letters indicate significant differences at the α = 0.05 level. a: Humanities scored lower on Regulatory Quality than social sciences (MD = -.34, CI = -.66, -.01). b: Humanities scored lower on Regulatory Quality than biomedical sciences (MD = -.38, CI = -.68, -.08). c: Social sciences scored lower on Expectations than biomedical sciences (MD = .26, CI = -.44, -.09). d: Social sciences scored lower on Expectations than natural sciences (MD = -.38, CI = -.61, -.11). e: Humanities scored lower on Expectations than biomedical sciences (MD = -.34, CI = .57, -.10). f: Humanities scored lower on Expectations than natural sciences (MD = -.45, CI = -.75, -.15).