Figure 4 .
Kcne5 gene deletion augments IK,slow2 in ventricular septum myocytes lacking Ito,f. A) Typical current traces from Kcne5+/0 and Kcne5−/0 adult ventricular septum myocytes (voltage protocol inset). B) Mean I-V relationships for Kcne5+/0 (solid) and Kcne5−/0 (open) septal myocytes with (squares) or without (circles) Ito,f (n = 15–19 cells per group). *P < 0.05 at +60 mV. C) Typical digitally subtracted 25 mM TEA-sensitive KV2.1 current (IK,slow2) for Kcne5+/0 (left) and Kcne5−/0 (right) ventricular septum myocytes. D) Mean I-V relationships for TEA-sensitive currents as in C (n = 6 cells/genotype, derived from 2 mice/genotype). **P = 0.009 at +60 mV. E) Typical digitally subtracted current traces for 50 μM 4-AP-sensitive KV1.5 current (IK,slow1) for Kcne5+/0 (left) and Kcne5−/0 (right) ventricular myocytes. Dashed lines: 0 current level. F) Mean I/V relationships for myocytes as in E (n = 8 cells/genotype, derived from 2 mice/genotype). P = 0.984 at +60 mV. Dashed lines: 0 current level.