Figure 1.
Illustrations of the experimental design and body sway coupling analyses. (a) The retroreflective markers were placed on the head and arms of each performer (the green dots connected by the yellow lines) and on the instruments (the brown dots and lines). From the left to the right are the violinist, pianist, and the cellist. The anterior-posterior body sway motion time series for the three performers, based on the markers on their heads, were extracted for subsequent analyses. (b) Granger causality of body sway reflects the magnitude of information flow from one performer to another performer. The average of the six unique Granger causalities is the causal density (CD), which represents the average amount of information flow across all possible pairs. (c) Cross-correlation of body sway reflects the degree of similarity in each pair of performers. The three unique maximum unsigned cross-correlation coefficients on each trial were averaged for an overall measure of similarity.