Fig. 6.
E47 and GR activate human cis-regulatory elements. a Clustering of the relative luciferase activity of > 160 human reporter constructs regulated by GR. The data from biological triplicates was normalized for transfection efficiency and to empty vector with vehicle. Reporters activated by GR plus ligand (Cort(isol) or Dex(amethasone)) appear red, repressed reporters appear blue (Color scale represents relative luciferase activity). b Motif analyses on corresponding DNA sequences show identical GRE consensus motifs in both activated and repressed reporters (UP & DOWN GREs). Upregulated reporter sequences are enriched for E47 consensus binding sites (UP E47). c Luciferase assays of selected reporters co-transfected with GR and E47 expression vectors in CV-1 cells treated with Dex. d The same luciferase assay performed with a mutant version of the ATP2B3 regulatory element lacking E-Boxes. e Luciferase assay of the DPEP1 reporter co-transfected with expression vectors for GR, E47 and ID3, in CV-1 cells treated with vehicle or Dex. All bar graphs are shown as mean ± SEM, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, Student’s t test, n = 3 replicates