(A) Histogram of RF predicted enhancer probabilities for the entire genome. While >82% of the genome has P < 0.01, a secondary peak can be seen at P ∼ 0.95 (Inset). (B–F) As validation, predicted enhancers were inserted into the Drosophila genome and were found to drive spatial expression. (G and H) Two enhancers, CEP01219 and CEP01220, are predicted proximal to the comm2 gene. Each of their patterns is a component of the comm2 expression pattern (I). (J) The genomic region of the two predicted enhancers is shown, along with the raw prediction track showing the predicted probability of enhancer activity with 100-bp resolution and the sum of TF binding ChIP scores at the same resolution. Magnification is 20×, and the embryos are 0.5 mm in length on average.