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. 2019 Jan 18;17:21. doi: 10.1186/s12957-019-1562-3

Table 2.

Univariate and multivariable analysis of factors associated with BO

Patient characteristics Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
HR 95% CI p value HR 95% CI p value
 Men 1.087 1.013–1.167 0.020
 Women 1.000
Age at diagnosis, years
 66–70 1.818 1.642–2.013 < 0.001 1.737 1.558–1.935 < 0.001
 71–75 1.765 1.605–1.942 1.765 1.596–1.953
 76–80 1.636 1.490–1.796 1.523 1.384–1.677
 ≥ 81 1.000 1.000
 White 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.004
 Black 0.873 0.783–0.972 0.825 0.738–0.922
 Asian 1.291 1.081–1.542 1.062 0.887–1.271
 Other 0.962 0.800–1.156 0.887 0.737–1.067
Marital status
 Single + separated 1.067 0.945–1.204 < 0.001 1.058 0.936–1.197 < 0.001
 Married 1.369 1.269–1.478 1.115 1.028–1.208
 Divorced + widowed 1.000 1.000
 Other 0.565 0.468–0.682 0.622 0.514–0.752
Residence location*
 Big metro 1.000 < 0.001 1.000 0.050
 Metro or urban 0.863 0.797–0.933 0.906 0.837–0.981
 Less urban or rural 0.844 0.747–0.955 0.946 0.835–1.072
Median household income
 1st quartile 1.000 0.107
 2nd quartile 1.066 0.961–1.183
 3rd quartile 1.081 0.975–1.199
 4th quartile 1.118 1.009–1.239
 Unknown 0.929 0.782–1.104
Level of education
 1st quartile 1.000 0.571
 2nd quartile 0.996 0.899–1.102
 3rd quartile 0.993 0.897–1.100
 4th quartile 0.968 0.873–1.072
 Unknown 0.872 0.735–1.034
Tumor characteristics
 T category
  Tis 1.000 < 0.001 1.000 < 0.001
  T1 1.532 1.233–1.904 1.434 1.144–1.796
  T2 6.878 5.396–8.768 6.175 4.768–7.997
  T3 8.408 6.855–10.313 7.187 5.738–9.003
  T4a 15.416 11.848–20.059 9.064 6.824–12.039
  T4b 4.566 3.626–5.750 4.466 3.489–5.717
  Unknown 1.559 1.270–1.913 1.562 1.257–1.941
 M category
  M0 1.000 < 0.001 1.000 < 0.001
  M1 0.665 0.598–0.738 0.793 0.707–0.889
  Unknown 0.925 0.850–1.007 1.213 1.108–1.328
 Primary tumor site
  Rectum 1.000 < 0.001 1.000 < 0.001
  Left-sided colon 2.055 1.881–2.244 2.093 1.892–2.315
  Right-sided colon 1.445 1.326–1.574 1.583 1.432–1.750
 Histologic type
  Adenocarcinoma 1.000 < 0.001 1.000 < 0.001
  Mucinous carcinoma 2.368 2.076–2.701 1.593 1.392–1.823
  Signet-ring cell carcinoma 2.096 1.515–2.899 1.220 0.875–1.701
 Histologic grade
  Well 0.771 0.669–0.889 < 0.001 0.842 0.729–0.972 < 0.001
  Moderate 1.000 1.000
  Poor 1.203 1.090–1.328 1.131 1.022–1.251
  Undifferentiated 0.954 0.652–1.395 0.992 0.676–1.456
  Unknown 0.383 0.350–0.419 0.548 0.498–0.604
 Tumor size, mm
  < 35 1.000 < 0.001 1.000 < 0.001
  35–50 1.734 1.526–1.970 1.266 1.110–1.444
  50–65 1.269 1.114–1.446 1.133 0.991–1.295
  ≥ 65 1.543 1.353–1.759 1.253 1.093–1.436
  Unknown 0.419 0.376–0.467 0.616 0.549–0.690
Presenting features
 HCC risk score
  1st quartile 1.000 < 0.001
  2nd quartile 1.187 1.076–1.309
  3rd quartile 1.126 1.019–1.245
  4th quartile 0.913 0.821–1.015
 History of alcoholism
  No 1.000 0.011 1.000 0.027
  Yes 0.753 0.606–0.937 0.781 0.627–0.973
  No 1.000 0.385
  Yes 0.951 0.849–1.065
 History of colorectal polyps
  No 1.000 0.004
  Yes 0.850 0.760–0.949
  No 1.000 0.845
  Yes 0.987 0.863–1.128
  Nonchemotherapy 1.000 < 0.001 1.000 < 0.001
  5-FU/capecitabine 0.758 0.677–0.847 0.752 0.655–0.864
  FOLFOX/CapeOX 0.719 0.561–0.922 0.595 0.459–0.770
  FOLFIRI/XELIRI 0.729 0.559–0.950 0.629 0.480–0.825
  FOLFOX/CapeOX + bevacizumab 0.482 0.360–0.645 0.395 0.292–0.535
  FOLFIRI/XELIRI + bevacizumab 0.921 0.534–1.589 0.980 0.564–1.705
  Other 0.798 0.664–0.958 0.715 0.590–0.867
  No 1.000 < 0.001 1.000 < 0.001
  Yes 0.705 0.637–0.780 0.591 0.514–0.679
Presenting symptoms
 Abdominal pain
  No 1.000 < 0.001 < 0.001
  Yes 1.179 1.087–1.278 1.202 1.105–1.307
 Abdominal mass
  No 1.000 0.025 1.000 0.056
  Yes 1.230 1.026–1.476 1.199 0.996–1.445
 Abdominal distension
  No 1.000 0.381
  Yes 1.128 0.862–1.476
  No 1.000 0.497
  Yes 0.865 0.569–1.315
  No 1.000 < 0.001 1.000 0.002
  Yes 0.736 0.642–0.845 0.802 0.696–0.923
 Nutritional deficiency
  No 1.000 < 0.001 1.000 0.067
  Yes 0.624 0.513–0.758 0.830 0.680–1.013
  No 1.000 0.166
  Yes 0.658 0.364–1.189
 Change of bowel habit
  No 1.000 0.023
  Yes 0.798 0.657–0.969
 Change of character of stool
  No 1.000 0.348
  Yes 1.043 0.955–1.138
  No 1.000 < 0.001
  Yes 0.841 0.769–0.920
  No 1.000 0.458
  Yes 0.950 0.830–1.088
  No 1.000 0.183
  Yes 0.716 0.438–1.170
 Loss of appetite
  No 1.000 0.002 1.000 0.077
  Yes 0.598 0.431–0.831 0.742 0.533–1.033
  No 1.000 0.537
  Yes 0.954 0.820–1.109
 Weight loss
  No 1.000 0.579
  Yes 0.965 0.852–1.094

Abbreviations: BO bowel obstruction, HCC the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service’s Hierarchical Condition Category, HR hazard ratio, CI confidence intervals, 5-FU 5-fluorouracil, FOLFOX 5-FU + oxaliplatin, CapeOX capecitabine + oxaliplatin, FOLFIRI 5-FU + irinotecan, and XELIRI capecitabine + irinotecan. *variable has missing data