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. 2018 Dec 4;3(1):105–112. doi: 10.1002/aet2.10307

Table 3.

Professional Identity Questions

1. How would you describe yourself? (e.g., medical student/resident, physician, researcher, spouse, parent, citizen)
2. Why did you go into medicine?
a. Did a role model influence you?
b. Do/did you have a picture of the ideal physician you wanted to be?
3. Why did you choose/are you planning to go into the specialty of ______?
a. What clinical and nonclinical traits does an excellent physician in that field need to have?
b. Do you have/are you working on acquiring those traits? How?
4. Who are your role models/mentors?
a. What desirable traits do they have that you don't have?
b. Are you working to acquire those traits? How?
c. Are you trying to behave as they do?
5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
a. What current behavior will help or prevent you from achieving those goals?
b. How will achieve those goals?
6. How do others see you?
a. Colleagues and supervisors (e.g., capable/incompetent, compulsive/laid back, hard worker/lazy, friendly/off‐putting, experienced/novice, helpful/self‐serving, caring/uncaring, truthful/liar)
b. Family and friends (e.g., medical professional/trainee, humble/arrogant, supportive/discouraging)
7. Do you treat medical school/residency/clinical practice as your job or as a calling?
8. What traits does a good employee have? (e.g., honesty, helpfulness, arrives on time, completes tasks, takes initiative)
a. Do you treat colleagues well? (e.g., cooperative, respectful, gives criticism gently, takes criticism well)
b. Do you present/treat yourself well? (e.g., clean and neat appearance, admits what they don't know, stays fit and well rested, takes time for self‐reflection)