Self |
1. How would you describe yourself? (e.g., medical student/resident, physician, researcher, spouse, parent, citizen) |
2. Why did you go into medicine? |
a. Did a role model influence you? |
b. Do/did you have a picture of the ideal physician you wanted to be? |
3. Why did you choose/are you planning to go into the specialty of ______? |
a. What clinical and nonclinical traits does an excellent physician in that field need to have? |
b. Do you have/are you working on acquiring those traits? How? |
4. Who are your role models/mentors? |
a. What desirable traits do they have that you don't have? |
b. Are you working to acquire those traits? How? |
c. Are you trying to behave as they do? |
5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? |
a. What current behavior will help or prevent you from achieving those goals? |
b. How will achieve those goals? |
Others |
6. How do others see you? |
a. Colleagues and supervisors (e.g., capable/incompetent, compulsive/laid back, hard worker/lazy, friendly/off‐putting, experienced/novice, helpful/self‐serving, caring/uncaring, truthful/liar) |
b. Family and friends (e.g., medical professional/trainee, humble/arrogant, supportive/discouraging) |
Work |
7. Do you treat medical school/residency/clinical practice as your job or as a calling? |
8. What traits does a good employee have? (e.g., honesty, helpfulness, arrives on time, completes tasks, takes initiative) |
a. Do you treat colleagues well? (e.g., cooperative, respectful, gives criticism gently, takes criticism well) |
b. Do you present/treat yourself well? (e.g., clean and neat appearance, admits what they don't know, stays fit and well rested, takes time for self‐reflection) |