Table 2.
Questions | Participant’s number | Scores | Response percentage (%) |
Q1: During this last decompression, have you experienced headaches? | 34 | Yes = 11 No = 23 |
32 68 |
Q2: During this last decompression, if you had headache, when did the symptoms declare? | 11 | Near surface = 6 After surfacing = 5 |
55 45 |
Q3: During this last decompression, if you had headache, grade its severity on a scale from 1 (light) to 10 (severe) | 10 | 4 (grades 1 to 2) 6 (grades 6 to 9) |
40 60 |
Q4: Usually, do you experience headache during or after decompression? | 34 | Never = 14 Sometimes = 10 Often = 5 Always = 5 Sometimes + often = 15 |
41 29 15 15 44 |
Q5: Usually, if you had headache, when do the symptoms declare? | 16 | Near surface = 9 After surfacing = 7 |
44 56 |
Q6: Usually, if you had headache, how long does the headache last? | 13 | Few hours = 3 Half a day = 3 One day = 4 More than 1 day = 3 |
23 23 31 23 |
Q7: When back home after a saturation, do people around you say you look pale? | 20 | Yes = 19 No = 1 |
95 5 |