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. 2017 Sep 20;7(2):88–106. doi: 10.1016/j.kisu.2017.07.004

Table 5.

Recommendations for an action plan to improve the understanding of environmental factors of chronic kidney disease hotspots

Goals Activities Category
Partners Special aspects in LMICs Milestones Timeline
Research Clinical care Education Advocacy
1.Characterize CDK hotspots and CKDu
Agree on a definition of CDK hotspots and CKDu x ISN, CENCAM, WHO, PAHO, universities PAHO, CDC, and SLANH recently convened a working group to define CKDu in agricultural communities Publications and reports 1 yr
Develop a registry and an interactive map of CKD hotspots and CKDu with data on CKD prevalence, incidence, and potential risk factors x ISN, CENCAM, WHO, PAHO, MOH, public health schools Will require funding Publications, reports, and the Internet 2 yr
2.Improve research methods
Search for the cause of CKDu Perform studies with a lifecycle approach that considers factors such as genetic predisposition, prenatal exposures, parents’ health status, working age, and social determinants of health x CENCAM, ISN, WHO, PAHO, public health schools, MOH Particularly relevant in LMICs due to the potential role of genetic, developmental, and socioeconomic factors Publications and reports 5–10 yr
Perform epidemiologic studies to continuously assess CKD prevalence and risk factors x CENCAM, ISN, WHO, PAHO, public health schools, MOH, NGOs Particularly relevant in LMICs due to the potential role of genetic, developmental, and socioeconomic factors Publications and reports 5–10 yr
Perform interventional studies when risk factors are reasonably well established x CENCAM, ISN, WHO, PAHO, public health schools, MOH, NGOs Potential risk factors can be suspected but not necessarily confirmed Publications and reports 5–10 yr
Standardize data collection tools in different studies in different countries to facilitate comparison of research results and accelerate progress x ISN, CENCAM, WHO, PAHO, public health schools Should include global as well as local risk factors for CKD Reports 1 yr
Promote international and multidisciplinary collaboration through a research consortium to link efforts around the globe x x ISN, CENCAM, WHO, PAHO, public health schools, MOH, NGOs LMICs may benefit from such international collaborations Publications, reports, and the Internet
2 yr
Develop biomarkers for detecting early kidney disease and identifying exposure x Basic scientists, clinical researchers Synergies between HICs and LMICs may be required Publications and reports 5–10 yr
Perform genetic and epigenetic studies to evaluate genetic susceptibility of specific populations to different environmental factors x Genetic epidemiologists Synergies between HICs and LMICs may be required Publications and reports 5–10 yr
Develop a biorepository with urine samples, serum samples, and DNA to enable future analysis with advanced techniques and understanding x ISN, CENCAM, WHO, PAHO, public health schools Synergies between HICs and LMICs may be required Biorepository 5–10 yr
3.Prevent CKD
Implement preventive interventions Evaluate local factors and implement preventive interventions based on confirmed or presumed risk factors for CKD, including children and adolescents if appropriate x WHO, PAHO, MOH, local health care authorities Basic public health and occupational interventions may have significant impact and be relatively inexpensive Assess CKD incidence trends 5 yr
Develop local ongoing surveillance systems x CENCAM, MOH, NGOs Essential to assess the efficacy of interventions Publications and reports, and the Internet 5 yr
Reduce environmental exposure Agrochemical and industrial chemical control x MOH, Ministries of Labor, corporations Although evidence that agrochemicals cause nephrotoxicity is very limited, it causes CKD Reports 5–10 yr
Access to safe drinking water x Government, MOH Basic human right Reports 5–10 yr
Regulate herbal and other traditional medicines x Government, MOH Herbal medicine use is very common in LMICs Reports 5–10 yr
Reduce or eliminate exposure to heavy metals x Government, MOH, corporations Prioritize by the level of exposure and risk of nephrotoxicity Reports 5–10 yr
Regulate exposure to organic contaminations, including ongoing surveillance programs x Government, MOH, corporations Prioritize by the level of exposure and risk of nephrotoxicity Reports 5–10 yr
Eradicate infections potentially related to CKD Access to safe drinking water x Government, MOH, WHO, PAHO Basic human right Reports 5–10 yr
Sanitation control x Government, MOH, local health care authorities Prioritize based on local epidemiology Reports 5–10 yr
Vector control x MOH, local health care authorities Prioritize based on local epidemiology Reports 5–10 yr
Implement vaccination x MOH, local health care authorities Prioritize based on local epidemiology Reports 5–10 yr
Assess the potential role of infections and develop an action plan with infectious disease specialists and health care authorities for mass treatment programs x ISN, CENCAM, WHO, PAHO, MHO, public health schools Particularly important in some LMICs Publications and reports 5 yr
Improve working conditions in poor agricultural communities Develop a legal framework for workers’ protection x Government, international agencies, corporations, human rights organizations Importance of involving nonmedical parties Reports 2–5 yr
Enforce compliance with existing rules and regulations x Government, international agencies, corporations, NGOs Importance of involving nonmedical parties Reports 2–5 yr
Break the cycle of poverty, malnutrition, and death x x Government, international agencies, corporations, NGOs Importance of involving nonmedical parties Reports >10 yr
4.Offer affordable CKD treatment options to affected individuals
Implement CKD screening programs based on local risk factors x MOH, local health care authorities Both case finding and opportunistic CKD screening Assess CKD incidence 5 yr
Increase access to affordable and quality CKD care x ISN, MOH, local health care authorities Will require more funding for infrastructure Publications and reports 5–10 yr
Improve access to nephroprotective medications x WHO, PAHO, ISN, MOH, local health care authorities, industries Use bioequivalent generic medications Reports 5–10 yr
Improve access to RRT if possible x Government, MOH, ISN, ASN, NGOs, industries Peritoneal dialysis may be a cheaper option Reports 5–10 yr
5.Increase funding and advocacy
Support research and channel aid money to research related to prevention x ISN, CENCAM, WHO, PAHO, MOH, NGOs, corporations, industries Essential to continuously search for the cause of CKDu in many regions and to know trends Reports of research funds 2 yr
Develop synergies to strengthen fund raising efforts and collaborate with other parties interested in chronic conditions x ISN, CENCAM, WHO, PAHO, NGOs, MOH, corporations LMICs will require national and international support Reports 2 yr
6.Improve education and awareness
Improve the education of health care professionals (mainly PCPs) regarding the prevention and treatment of CKD x ISN, regional and local nephrology societies, NGOs Partnerships with local renal societies may be helpful Reports 5 yr
Build workforce capacity by training nephrologists x ISN, regional and local renal societies, hospitals ISN may continue to play an important role by training nephrologists of developing countries Reports 5 yr
Educate workers about potential preventive measures at work (i.e., hydration, etc.) x Government, MOH, NGOs Basic public health and occupational interventions may have significant impact and be relatively inexpensive Reports 5 yr
Educate the general population to increase the awareness about risk of herbal medicines and other nephrotoxins x Government, MOH, NGOs Herbal medicine and NSAID use is very common in LMICs Reports 5 yr

CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CENCAM, Consortium for the Epidemic of Nephropathy in Central America and Mexico; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CKDu, chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology; HICs, high-income countries; ISN, International Society of Nephrology; LMIC, low- and middle-income country; MOH, Ministry of Health; NGOs:, non-profit organizations; NSAID, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; PAHO, Pan American Health Organization; PCPs, primary care physicians; RRT, renal replacement therapy; SLANH, Society of Latin American Nephrology and Hypertension; WHO, World Health Organization.