Fig. 1.
Distribution of skin, hair and eye pigmentation in the CANDELA sample. a Frequency distribution of skin melanin index (MI). Histograms are shown for the full CANDELA sample and for each country sample separately. To facilitate relating MI values to skin color, the MI values (x-axis) were converted to approximate RGB values (scale at the bottom, Supplementary Figure 16). b Stacked bar plots showing the frequency (percent) of the three hair color categories. Bar colors correspond approximately to the sample images for each category shown at the bottom (with the ordinal numbering used in the association analyses shown next to each category). c Stacked bar plots showing the frequency (percent) of eye color categories. Bar colors correspond approximately to the sample images of eyes as shown at the bottom (with the ordinal numbering used in the association analyses shown next to each category). Categories 1 and 5 are composite categories, respectively of blue/gray and dark brown/black and examples of each of the sub-type are shown