AICAR feeding of yeast cells results in accumulation of several AICAR-derived metabolites.
A, chemical structure of ZMP and AMP derivatives. B, Adsl, adenylosuccinate lyase; Atic, AICAR transformylase IMP-cyclohydrolase; FAICAR, 5-formamido-4-imidazole carboxamide ribonucleoside 5′-phosphate; PRPP, 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate. Only the enzymes mentioned in the text are listed (in gray). Question marks correspond to enzymatic activities catalyzed by unidentified proteins prior to this work. C, accumulation of AICAR derivatives in yeast (ade8 ade16 ade17 his1; Y2950) fed (blue lines) or not (black lines) for 24 h with extracellular AICAR. Similar patterns were found in three independent metabolic extractions. Insets correspond to enlargement of chromatogram sections where AICAR and SAICAR derivatives were eluted.