Figure 1.
Protein levels of PDK isozymes in mouse tissues. A, C, E, G, and I, representative Western blots of PDK1, PDK2, PDK3, PDK4, and E2 and E1α proteins of PDC in mouse tissues (heart (H), liver (L), kidney (K), diaphragm (D), brain (B), and testis (T)). B, D, F, H, and J illustrate the relative abundance of PDK1, PDK2, PDK3, PDK4, and PDC protein in mouse tissues calculated based on the results of scanning densitometry of Western blots. Data are expressed as percentage of the area of the strongest band. Gray and white bars in J correspond to the protein levels of the E2 component in WT and PDK2 knockout mice. Western blotting was carried out as described under “Experimental procedures.” Each lane contains 35 or 17 μg of total whole-tissue protein for kinase or PDC staining, respectively. Data points represent means ± S.D. (error bars) for three mice in each group.