(A, F, L) Confocal projections (view from above) of Arabidopsis seedlings aged 3 DAS showing DII/mDII ratio intensity distributions (magenta) along with PIN1-GFP expression (green) in the first two leaves. (B, G, M) Corresponding median longitudinal optical sections of first two leaves in (A), (F) and (L) respectively. (C–E) Optical reconstructions of cross-sections of leaves in (A) along the distal to proximal axis. (H–K) Optical reconstructions of cross-sections of leaves in (F) along the distal to proximal axis. (N–P) Optical reconstructions of cross-sections of leaves in (L) along the distal to proximal axis. Note variability in DII/mDII ratio intensities associated with nuclei within the adaxial and abaxial domains of individual leaves. Scale bars 20 μm (A, F, L,G, M–P), 15 μm(B-E), (H–K). M marks the meristem.