(A–F) Confocal projections (A–C) and transverse optical reconstructions (D–F) of Arabidopsis seedlings, 3DAS, showing mDII/DII ratio intensity distributions (magenta) along with PIN1-GFP expression (green) (A,D), DII-VENUS sensor (magenta) (B,E) and mDII-VENUS sensor (magenta) (C, F) within the first two leaves before auxin application. (G–L) Confocal projections (G–I) and transverse optical reconstructions (J–L) of Arabidopsis seedlings, 3DAS, showing mDII/DII ratio intensities (magenta) along with PIN1-GFP expression (green) (G, J), DII-VENUS sensor (magenta) (H, K) and mDII-VENUS sensor (magenta) (I, L) 1 hr after the application of 5 mM NAA. Note, the high mDII/DII ratio intensity indicates an increased and broadening of auxin levels after NAA application (compare D and J) (n = 3/3 seedlings, six leaves). DII-VENUS shows an attenuated expression within 1 hr of auxin application (compare B,E with H,K) (n = 4/4 seedlings, eight leaves). mDII-VENUS levels do not decrease upon auxin application (compare C,F with I,L) (n = 4/4 seedlings, eight leaves). Scale bars 20 μm (A–L).