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. 2019 Jan;17(1):14–22. doi: 10.1370/afm.2327

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of Parents, Children, and Households, According to Whether or Not Symptom End Dates Were Recorded, and Restricted to the First RTI Episodes in a Family (n = 206)

Characteristics First RTI Episodes (n = 206) Symptom End Dates Recorded?
No (n = 26) Yes (n = 180)
Sex, No. (%)
 Missing 2 (0.97)
 Female 193 (93.69) 26 (100.00) 167 (93.82)
 Male 11 (5.34) 0 (0.00) 11 (6.18)
Age, median (IQR), y 38 (34-43) 36 (34-41) 38 (34-43)
Ethnicity, No. (%)
 Missing 9 (4.37)
 Asian 5 (2.43) 0 (0.00) 5 (2.91)
 Black 5 (2.43) 2 (8.00) 3 (1.74)
 Mixed 5 (2.43) 1 (4.00) 4 (2.33)
 White 182 (88.35) 22 (88.00) 160 (93.02)
Employment, No. (%)
 Missing 9 (4.37)
 Full-time parent/caregiver 34 (16.50) 4 (16.00) 30 (17.44)
 In full-time education 2 (0.97) 0 (0.00) 2 (1.16)
 Not currently employed 8 (3.88) 2 (8.00) 6 (3.49)
 Working full time 41 (19.90) 7 (28.00) 34 (19.77)
 Working part time 112 (54.37) 12 (48.00) 100 (58.14)
Education, No. (%)
 Missing 9 (4.37)
 No official qualification 2 (0.97) 0 (0.00) 2 (1.16)
 Up to GCSEs/GCEs/O Levels or equivalent 8 (3.88) 4 (16.00) 4 (2.33)
 A Levels/NVQs/GNVQs or equivalent 9 (4.37) 2 (8.00) 7 (4.07)
 First degree/diploma/HNC/HND 107 (51.94) 11 (44.00) 96 (55.81)
 Higher degree (eg, MSc, PhD) 71 (34.47) 8 (32.00) 63 (36.63)
Any medical/nursing training, No. (%)
 Missing 9 (4.37)
 No 155 (75.24) 22 (88.00) 133 (77.33)
 Yes 42 (20.39) 3 (12.00) 39 (22.67)
Age, (median, IQR), y 3 (1-7) 3 (1-6) 3 (1-7)
Sex, No. (%)
 Female 114 (55.34) 15 (57.69) 99 (55.00)
 Male 92 (44.66) 11 (42.31) 81 (45.00)
Ethnicity, No. (%)
 Asian 6 (2.91) 1 (3.85) 5 (2.78)
 Black 5 (2.43) 1 (3.85) 4 (2.22)
 Mixed 11 (5.34) 3 (11.54) 8 (4.44)
 White 184 (89.32) 21 (80.77) 163 (90.56)
Asthma, No. (%)
 No 187 (90.78) 22 (84.62) 165 (91.67)
 Yes 19 (9.22) 4 (15.38) 15 (8.33)
Eczema, No. (%)
 No 128 (62.14) 18 (69.23) 110 (61.11)
 Yes 78 (37.86) 8 (30.77) 70 (38.89)
Hay fever, No. (%)
 No 186 (90.29) 22 (84.62) 164 (91.11)
 Yes 20 (9.71) 4 (15.38) 16 (8.89)
Child receiving any breast milk at 3 months, No. (%)
 Don’t know 2 (0.97) 1 (3.85) 1 (0.56)
 No 30 (14.56) 4 (15.38) 26 (14.44)
 Yes 174 (84.47) 21 (80.77) 153 (85.00)
Child attending school, No. (%)
 No 125 (60.68) 15 (57.69) 110 (61.11)
 Yes 81 (39.32) 11 (42.31) 70 (38.89)
Child (not in school) attending daycare regularly, No. (%)
 Not relevant (attends school) 81
 No 36 (28.80) 6 (40.00) 30 (27.27)
 Yes (1-2 days per week) 50 (40.00) 6 (40.00) 44 (40.00)
 Yes (3-5 days per week) 39 (31.20) 3 (20.00) 36 (32.73)
Bedrooms, No. (%)
 Missing 9
 1 4 (2.03) 2 (8.00) 2 (1.16)
 2 47 (23.86) 5 (20.00) 42 (24.42)
 3 86 (43.65) 9 (36.00) 77 (44.77)
 4 42 (21.32) 6 (24.00) 36 (20.93)
 5 14 (7.11) 3 (12.00) 11 (6.40)
 6 3 (1.52) 0 (0.00) 3 (1.74)
 7 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00)
 8 1 (0.51) 0 (0.00) 1 (0.58)
Resident smoker, No. (%)
 Missing 9
 No 181 (91.88) 22 (88.00) 159 (92.44)
 Yes 16 (8.12) 3 (12.00) 13 (7.56)
Cat/dog in main home, No. (%)
 Missing 9
 No 141 (71.57) 16 (64.00) 125 (72.67)
 Yes 56 (28.43) 9 (36.00) 47 (27.33)
Number of adults resident in child’s main home, No. (%)
 Missing 9
 0 1 (0.51) 0 (0.00) 1 (0.58)
 1 15 (7.61) 2 (8.00) 13 (7.56)
 2 164 (83.25) 20 (80.00) 144 (83.72)
 3 11 (5.58) 0 (0.00) 11 (6.40)
 4 5 (2.54) 3 (12.00) 2 (1.16)
 8 1 (0.51) 0 (0.00) 1 (0.58)
Total number of children in home, No. (%)
 Missing 9
 1 80 (40.61) 8 (32.00) 72 (41.86)
 2 103 (52.28) 15 (60.00) 88 (51.16)
 3 12 (6.09) 1 (4.00) 11 (6.40)
 4 1 (0.51) 0 (0.00) 1 (0.58)
 5 0 (0.00) 1 (4.00) 0 (0.00)
Age of children in home, median (IQR), y 3 (2-7) 2 (1-6) 3 (2-7)

A level = advanced level; GCE = general certificate of education; GCSE = general certificate of secondary education; GNVQ = general national vocational qualification; HNC = higher national certificate; HND = higher national diploma; IQR = interquartile range; MSc = master of science; NVQ = national vocational qualification; O level = general certificate of education ordinary level; PhD = doctor of philosophy; RTI = respiratory tract infection.