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. 2019 Jan;17(1):14–22. doi: 10.1370/afm.2327

Table 2.

Duration and Severity of RTI Symptoms, Restricted to First RTI in a Family With Known Illness Start Date (n = 197)

Group No. RTI Duration by Percentile, d
P Valuea
10th 25th 50th 75th 90th
All children 197 4 7 9 14 23
Children with and without consultationb
 Consultation 16 6 9 13 18 37 .06
 No consultation 181 4 6 9 13 21
Upper and lower RTI symptomsc,d
 Exclusively URTI 86 3 5 8 11 15 <.001
 Any LRTI 104 6 8 12 18 29.5
Constitutional symptom severity scoree for upper and lower RTI, mean of maximum
Upper RTI Lower RTI

Fever 0.55 1.07
Fatigue 0.83 1.71
Disruption to sleep 1.15 2.19
Disruption to other activities 0.67 1.43

LRTI = lower respiratory tract infection; NHS = National Health Service; RTI = respiratory tract infection; URTI = upper respiratory tract infection.


Log-rank test for difference between episodes with consultions and those without consultions.


Any NHS primary care attendance according to medical notes.


7 RTI episodes which did not report any URTI- or LRTI-defining symptoms.


URTI symptoms: earache, sore throat, runny/blocked nose, ear discharge, dry cough or barking/croupy cough. LRTI symptoms: wet/productive cough, breathing faster/shortness of breath, or wheeze/whistling chest.


Maximum of daily scores in first 21 days, based on Likert scale 0 (normal, no problem) to 6 (as bad as it could be).