Figure 3.
(A) Convection-induced biased distribution model. Because of fast reassociation and the retrograde actin flow, the probes are biased toward back of lamellipodia. (B) Measurement of Atto-488 Lifeact binding to cytoplasmic (upper) or muscle (lower) G-actin (blue dots) and F-actin (red dots) by fluorescence anisotropy is shown. Atto-488 Lifeact binds to F-actin with the lines showing the best fit to Kd = 3.4 μM for cytoplasmic actin and Kd = 2.3 μM for muscle actin. (C) Calculated distribution of LA-mCherry (red) in a model lamellipodium with a linear decrease in F-actin concentration (green) is shown. (D) Calculated distribution of Alexa phalloidin (red) in a model lamellipodium with a uniform F-actin distribution (green) is shown.