FIG 3.
Characterization of the SM101-CPR1055KO null mutant and analysis of sporulation and CPE production. (A) PCR confirming insertional mutagenesis of the cpr1055 gene in SM101-CPR1055. Shown is the cpr1055 PCR product amplified using DNA from wild-type SM101 (left lane) or the SM101-CPR1055KO mutant (right lane). Note that DNA from the null mutant strain supported amplification of a larger product due to the insertion of an intron into its cpr1055 gene. (B) Southern blot hybridization with an intron-specific probe with DNA from SM101 or SM101-CPR1055KO. The blot shows results of intron-specific Southern blot hybridization with DNA from wild-type SM101 (left lane) or the cpr1055 null mutant (middle lane). DNA from each strain was digested overnight with EcoRI at 37°C and then electrophoresed on a 1% agarose gel. The size of the hybridizing band in the right lane is shown to the left. Using DNA from wild-type SM101, no intron-specific band was detected. However, a single intron-specific band was detected for the SM101-CPR1055KO mutant. (C) RT-PCR analysis for cpr1055 (top panel) or polC (middle panel) transcription in wild-type SM101 or the SM101-CPR1055KO mutant. SM101 DNA was used as a positive control (gDNA). PCRs lacking template DNA acted as a negative control. To show that the RNA preparations from both strains were free from DNA contamination, the samples were also subjected to PCR without reverse transcription (bottom panel). (D) Growth curves for wild-type SM101 versus the SM101-CPR1055KO mutant cultured at 37°C in MDS medium for up to 8 h. Aliquots of each culture were measured every 2 h for their OD600. (E) Comparison of results of sporulation by WT SM101 versus SM101-CPR1055KO. Both strains were grown overnight at 37°C in MDS and then subjected to heat shock treatment and plated on BHI agar. After overnight incubation in an anaerobic jar, the resultant colonies were counted and the counts were converted to numbers of spores per milliliter. (F) Comparison of levels of CPE production by SM101 versus the SM101-CPR1055KO mutant. Supernatants of WT SM101 or SM101-CPR1055KO were grown overnight at 37°C in MDS and then assessed by Western blotting for CPE. The results showed that CPE production remained strong after inactivation of the cpr1055 gene. All experiments were repeated three times, and mean representative values are shown. The markers used in panels A and C were Thermo Fisher 1-kb DNA ladders.