Figure 2.
Brachycarcharias lerichei (Casier, 1946) from the Eocene Bolca Lagerstätte, Italy. (A–E) anterior teeth: (A) MCSNV IG.VR.69800, labial view, Monte Postale site; (B) MCSNV IG.VR.24423, labial view, Pesciara site; (C) MGP-PD 7358, lingual view, Monte Postale site, figured in Bassani (1897, pl. 9, fig. 12); (D) NHMUK PV.OR.43450, labial view, Pesciara site; copyright: The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London; (E) MCSNV IG.VR.69757, profile view, Monte Postale site. (F–H) lower antero-lateral teeth: (F) MCSNV IG.VR.66977, labial view, Monte Postale site; (G1–G2) MCSNV IG.135777/8, specimen in part and counterpart, Pesciara site; (H) MCSNV IG.135779, lingual view, Pesciara site. Scale bars 2 mm.