Figure 6.
Cochlear sensorineural structures in mice after injection of AAV5-hGDNF appear normal, despite hearing loss. (A) Histology of mouse cochlear sections stained with toluidine blue 2 weeks after injection of AAV5-hGDNF revealed no gross abnormalities in the organ of Corti, IHCs, OHCs, nerve fibers (NF), or SGNs, suggesting that the overexpression of hGDNF does not affect the cochlear structures. (B) Cochlear whole mount immunofluorescence revealed no visible loss of OHC or IHC (DAPI stain = blue) in the undiluted AAV5-hGDNF injected group. Synaptophysin (red) and neurofilament (green) label shows similar staining patterns between the control (CTRL) and the injected ears, which indicates that the overexpression of the hGDNF does not grossly affect the sensorineural structures of the cochlea. Thus, the hearing loss may be due to central effects of hGDNF.