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. 2018 Sep 14;14(12):2848–2863. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2018.1502126

Table 1A.

Peanut oral immunotherapy.

Study Food allergen N Age Range Study design Maintenance Dose Desensitization Outcome Long-term results Adverse events
Hofmann et al. 200962
Jones et al. 200946
Peanut 39 1–16 years Open-label, not controlled. 300–1800 mg 71% reached 300 mg daily dose. 69% (27/39) passed OFC at 1800 mg (total 3.9 g). Escalation: 92% symptomatic, 15% needed epinephrine. 3.7 % of 14,773 doses during up-dosing or maintenance, mostly minor.
Blumchen et al. 201047 Peanut 23 3–14 years Open label, not controlled. ?500 mg 61% (14/23) reached 500 mg daily for 8 weeks. After 2 weeks off OIT, 14/23 (100% who reached maintenance) tolerated 500 mg in DBPCFC, 17% tolerated 4 g. Escalation: subjective symptoms with 25/317 (7.9 %) doses. Reactions with 160/6137 (2.6 %) of buildup/maintenance doses.
Varshney et al. 201148 Peanut 28 (2:1 OIT: placebo) 1–16 years RCT, placebo-controlled, double-blind. Up to 4000 mg daily 80% on OIT tolerated 4000 mg daily for 1 year, 80% on OIT passed 5000 mg DBPCFC after 1 year. N/A Escalation: 47% (9/19) of OIT had symptoms, 2 required epinephrine. Reactions with 1.2 % of buildup/maintenance doses.
Vickery et al. 201433 Peanut 39 1–16 years Open label, not controlled (enrolled patients from53 and24). 300 mg OR 1800 mg (if passed 3900mg OFC), then 4000 mg daily 66% (26/39) reached 4000 mg daily. After 4 weeks off OIT, 31% (12/39) tolerated 5000 mg OFC and open dose. 15% withdrew for allergic side effects.
Anagnostou et al. 201463 Peanut 99 7–16 years RCT, placebo-controlled, double-blind. (OIT/placebo), control group crossed over to active OIT. 800 mg Phase 1: 84% OIT, 0 % placebo passed 1400 mg DBPCFC. Phase 2: placebo patients switched to OIT, 54% passed the same DBPCFC. Phase 1: 62% OIT, 0 % placebo tolerated 800 mg daily at 26 weeks. Phase 2: placebo patients switched to OIT, 91% tolerated 800 mg daily at 26 weeks. QoL improved in both groups. Up-dosing: Mild adverse events in 6.3 % of doses. 1 patient received epinephrine for 2 separate reactions.
Narisety et al. 201532 Peanut 21 7–13 years RCT, parallel intervention, double blind (1:1 OIT/SLIT). 2000 mg OIT, 3.7 mg SLIT 50% SLIT, 45% OIT passed OFC 10g at 6–12 months. Sustained unresponsiveness: 50% (2/4) OIT, 20% (1/5) SLIT passed repeat OFC 10 g after 4 weeks peanut avoidance. Reactions to 43% of OIT, 9 % of SLIT. 5 OIT reactions required epinephrine. 1 OIT patient developed eosinophilic esophagitis and withdrew.
Syed et al. 201428 Peanut 43 5–45 years RCT, open label (OIT/peanut avoidance). 4000 mg 20/23 OIT, 0 % (0/20) control desensitized (passed DBPCFC 4 g) at 24 months. Sustained unresponsiveness: after off peanut OIT for 3 months, 30% (7/23) passed DBPCFC at 27 months. After off peanut for 6 months, 13% (3/7 SU, 3/23 ITT) remained tolerant (passed DBPCFC). N/A
Tang et al. 201545 Peanut and lactobacillus 62 1–10 years RCT, placebo controlled, double blind (Probiotic?+?OIT vs. placebo?+?placebo OIT). 2000 mg 90% probiotic?+?OIT, 7 % placebo desensitized (DBPCFC). Sustained unresponsiveness: 82% probiotic, 4 % placebo (DBPCFC 2–5 weeks after probiotic discontinued). 45% probiotic, 32% placebo patients had ?1 severe adverse event. 1 patient had anaphylaxis to probiotic.