Figure 8.
MeshBest analysis of the mesh scan of NarQ crystals for subsequent multi-crystal data collection. (a) A snapshot of the sample as mounted on the beamline goniometer; the red rectangular mesh indicates the area and the dimensions of the mesh scan. (b) Cumulative DDV histogram used in multi-pattern diffraction analysis, with baseline regions marked with red circles. The blue line shows the fitted baseline of the cumulative histogram, the slope of which indicates the presence of multi-pattern diffraction in the images of the mesh scan. (c) An example of a raw diffraction image from the mesh scan. (d) A diagram of spots detected by Dozor corresponding to the image in (d). (e) Dozor-score heat map of the mesh scan. (f) A crystal map of the mesh scan generated by MeshBest. The crystals used for data collection are numbered according to their diffraction-score rank. White crosses with the size of the beam aperture mark the positions at which partial data sets were collected.