Pollinator types mapped onto a phylogeny of Apocynaceae. Maximum likelihood estimates of ancestral states of pollinator type for the reduced data set depicted on the chronogram in Supplementary Data S6 (Fig. S2). Pollinator types are indicated as in the key with polymorphic states indicated by additional intermediate shades of colour. Probabilities of states at ancestral nodes are indicated by pie charts. Best-fitting evolutionary models and rates are given in Supplementary Data S6 (Tables S1, S5). Major clades are indicated by tick marks or arrows and labelled as follows: Apocynoids–Periplocoideae–Secamonoideae–Asclepiadoideae (APSA); subfamilies: Periplocoideae (P), Secamonoideae (S) and Asclepiadoideae (A); tribes: Asclepiadeae (ad), Ceropegieae (ce), Echiteae (e), Marsdenieae (ma), Mesechiteae (ms), Plumerieae (p) and Tabernaemontaneae (ta); and subtribes: Asclepiadinae (an), Cynanchinae (cy), Gonolobinae (g), Metastelmatinae (mt), Oxypetalinae (o) and Tylophorinae (ty).