Fig. 4.
Impacts of AsfvLIG NTD on DNA binding and ligation. a Relative orientation between the NTD and OB domains in the catalytic form AsfvLIG-DNA complex. b–d Relative orientation and detailed interactions between the NTD and AD domains in the catalytic form structure. e Comparison of nick and duplex DNA-CG binding by WT AsfvLIG and AsfvLIG NTD. All data points from three independent experiments are shown with the median expressed as bars. The standard deviation (±SD) values are indicated by error bars. f In vitro DNA-CG ligation catalyzed by WT AsfvLIG and AsfvLIG with NTD deletion (for AsfvLIG ΔN). The substrate and product bands are labeled as S and P, respectively. Uncropped gels are shown in Supplementary Fig. 7